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ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)


â–ª Developed an ANPR system for recognizing license plates in real-time using YOLOv7, EasyOCR, OpenCV & Streamlit.
â–ª Annotated 900+ image dataset using RoboFlow.
â–ª Successfully got testing score of 95%.


Simpsons Character Recognizer


â–ª Built a Neural Network that recognizes Simpson characters.

â–ª Canaro library supports deep learning models built using Keras framework.

â–ª Used Caer as it is a lightweight GPU-accelerated Computer Vision library for high-performance AI research.

â–ª Fed the machine with 1.2GB of annotated dataset.

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Online Vehicle Booking Market

â–ª Analysed the vehicle market in United States using Segmentation Analysis.

â–ª Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic and Behavioural segments were key elements.

â–ª Used Data Visualization libraries like Folium, Plotly Express and IFrame.


Volume Gesture Control

â–ª Increases or decreases the volume of our system using hand gesture control.
â–ª Used OpenCV and MediaPipe to capture real-time video.
â–ª Used hand landmarks to find gesture of our hand to control the volume.

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